Under Offer

Since 1996 this business has been providing trucks, cars and buses for business and personal use across the Southern Brisbane region. In the years since the business was started it has grown to have multiple outlets across Brisbane and the Gold Coast and boasts a wide range of vehicles in the fleet of nearly 400.

The fleet ranges from small cars, to vans, utes, buses, trucks, and performance vehicles.

The business operation is slick and streamlined with vehicle turnaround and servicing systems all tuned to operate efficiently and simply.

The business operates independently, meaning that there are no royalties or franchise fees to pay.

EBITDA exceeds $5.1 million per annum and EBIT is over $3.2 million per annum.

Key features:

High proportion of repeat clientele
Growth in revenue and profit each year
High profile brand
Trained staff operate all locations
Systems and processes in place
Fleet cost over $13 Million with high residual value
Over 26 years of trading history with same owner
Highly profitable and consistent

FOR SALE: $6 million plus fleet (acquire the fleet outright, or take over leasing)

Contact the exclusive broker:

Bruce Coudrey
Benchmark Business Sales & Valuations
M: 0411226888
T: 1300 366 521

If you’d like to know more about this business, go to our website www.benchmarkbusiness.com.au and use the reference: bus5149 to search for the business.

Please ensure you have the necessary capital before expressing an interest in this business.
The image shown is for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the business.

Benchmark Business Sales and Valuations

Submit Confidentiality

Under Offer

30% p/a%

     Annual Revenue

     Listing Price
$6 million plus fleet

Brisbane - Greater QLD

Car Rental

     Earning Type

     Years Trading

     Stock Level
+/- 400 vehicles

     Reference Number